
At UNGA 2019 with my incredible colleagues from Nigeria, Malawi, and Kenya

In NYC for UNGA 2019 with my incredible colleagues from Nigeria, Malawi, and Kenya.

In Dubai for a strategy workshop with fab colleagues from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan.

In Dubai for a strategy workshop with fab colleagues from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan.

Amanda has been extremely amazing to me at a personal level, as well to WRA Zimbabwe and WRA Global. Her level of support, professionalism and warm and bright personality will always be imprinted in our hearts.

Geraldine Nyaku, White Ribbon Alliance Zimbabwe

It was a pleasure working with Amanda over the past year – we really appreciated the energy and enthusiasm that she brought to our work on the Self-Care Learning and Discovery Series. Big thank you from us at PSI!

Sandy Garcon, Self-Care Trailblazer Group, PSI

I want to thank Amanda for all the hard work on self-care and most especially for the incredible courage she demonstrates every day in destigmatizing abortion and fighting for bodily autonomy! 

Megan Christofield, Jhpiego

Amanda is a very courageous person who does big tasks with much simplicity while ensuring that every detail is taken into account.

Hester Nyasulu, White Ribbon Alliance Malawi

Amanda is a wonderful colleague, easy to get along with, and quick to respond. She has been a great asset to WRA Kenya and her hearty laughter made everything so easy.

Angela Nguku, White Ribbon Alliance Kenya

 Experience and Achievements

Contributed to more than 15 global policy changes and mobilization of approximately $11.7 million in domestic resources for improved reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health through designing and implementing a strategic advocacy and communication strategy for the What Women Want campaign, which asked 1.2 million women and girls their one request for quality reproductive healthcare. This included coordinating across 300+ partners, directly supporting 10 country teams across sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, analyzing the findings using coding software, and creating communication materials like Op-eds, policy briefs, talking points, and an accessible open platform website.

Project managed the Self-Care Learning and Discovery Series that mobilized over 2,000 registrants from 75 countries who worked in social justice fields including racial justice and civil rights, LGBTQ+ issues, healthcare, human rights, the future of technology and health, and climate change to strengthen connections and increase access to information for self-are evidence and advocacy.

Trained facilitator in consensus and non-consensus building advocacy workshops - specifically Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) advocacy - and have facilitated over 10 workshops to support partners to identify organizational and project goals, objectives and strategies on advocacy issues including accountability, midwifery, self-care, and sexual health and rights in countries across the U.S., sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Western Pacific, and Europe.

Led on key communication efforts including writing OpEds, blogs, reports, web content, and policy briefs and developed advocacy and communication tools including Power On! A Toolkit for Community Organizing, What Women Want: Behind the Demands, the Self-Care Learning and Discovery Series 2021: Insights that Ignite report, and the International Confederation of Midwives’ soon to be released Midwifery Advocacy eLearning Module.

Organized over 10 global events at venues like the UN General Assembly and World Health Assembly that featured activists telling their own stories; dialoging directly with Ministers of Health, donors, and other key decision makers; and pushing against traditional global health structures to ensure more affirming, inclusive, and justice-based health and rights systems are enacted.



  • Gender Data 101 Edition 2.0, 2021, Certified TechChange Course

  • Project Management for Development Professionals, 2020, Certified Humentum Course

  • Disability, Sexuality, and Rights Online Institute, 2020, Certified CREA Course

  • Center for Strategic International Studies 2019 Leadership Accelerator Series Graduate, Certified CSIS


  • Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, Colorado

    • Master of Arts in International Human Rights, Certificate in Humanitarian Assistance, 2013

  • Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 

    • Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, Bachelor of Science in Anthropology, 2009

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